What Is The Future of Dental Implants

What Is The Future of Dental Implants

Last time out we looked at the fascinating history of dental implants and in this blog we investigate where they might be going and what they can do.

Dental implants have evolved to become one of the biggest industries in dentistry and are reportedly going to be worth $4.4 billion dollars worldwide by 2020. Dental implant technology is developing rapidly and in a number of exciting ways that make use of state-of-the-art materials and software. Now more than ever before, patients are able to replace their missing teeth with dental implants, this dovetails nicely with the fact that people are now also more aware of dental health. It means that new innovations in the field of dental implants have every chance of trickling down to patients all over the world in much the same way that other technologies do.

Computer-aided design and manufacturing or CAD-CAM

Probably one of the most useful innovations in terms of dental implants is a computer-aided design and manufacturing system that allows us to completely recreate teeth that have been deemed unsalvageable. These replicas are ready to be implanted the second the damaged teeth have been removed and the healing process is entirely symptom-free. What this means for you is the best possible treatment, in much-reduced treatment time and with greater efficiency.

Digital smile dentistry

Digital smile dentistry employs imaging technology that can accurately project what your smile might look like should you decide to undergo treatment. This allows us to answer any questions or queries you may have even before having your surgery, with clarity and ease. This technology has the potential to be used for a range of treatments, not just dental implants and they use highly-detailed models of your teeth in order to show you exactly what you can achieve with your smile. This will also give you the opportunity to decide whether you want to go ahead with your selected treatment.

The CAMLOG Implant System

Digital dentistry has opened up an entirely new world with regards to what we can do and also has the ability to optimise the collaboration between the various specialists involved in your treatment plan. By combining digital planning software, surgical techniques and a guiding system for ideal dental implant placement, we can give you and ourselves a 360-degree perspective on your ideal treatment solutions. Whatever happens in the future of dental implants, you can bet that we will be at the forefront of anything that is beneficial to you and your requirements.

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