How To Stop Bleeding Gums

How To Stop Bleeding Gums

If your gums bleed when you brush or floss them, it’s a sign. Your gums are communicating to you that they aren’t okay. There could be a few reasons why the bleeding is happening.

Brushing too vigorously, injury, pregnancy and inflammation can all be reasons for bleeding gums. When your gums are inflamed, they can appear red, feel tender and swell up. These are also signs of gingivitis or periodontitis, which you can get from plaque having not been removed properly.

Practice good oral hygiene

We all know that we have to brush our teeth thoroughly twice a day but sometimes when we have hectic schedules, we can be short in this daily task. Truth is, we might be brushing our teeth the correct number of days but just not good enough to actually remove the plaque off of our teeth. The build of plaque can then cause our gums to inflame and bleed

Rinse your mouth with a good antibacterial mouth wash

Like the brushing of our teeth, this is also a very important step. Mouthwashes assist in removing plaque, stopping the bleeding and helping with inflammation. Since there are quite a few on the market, its sometimes best to consult with your dentist as to the best one they can recommend for you to use on a daily basis.

STOP smoking

If you are a smoker, this is probably something you’re tired of hearing, but the truth of the matter is, the habit not only heightens the risk of lung cancer, heart disease and strokes but it isn’t very kind to your gums either. Smoking has been mentioned as one of the major causes of gum disease.

When smoking you’re more likely to develop more tartar on your teeth than nonsmokers which can lead to periodontal gum disease. Even though the numbers don’t refer to everyone, but it has been proven via certain studies that people diagnosed with mouth, lips or throat cancer were often smokers. The number is as high as 90% according to WebMD.

To add onto all of that, smoking can also alter the colouring of your teeth and turn them yellow. All of that followed by bad breathe.

Reduce stress levels

There have been studies that have found a link between periodontal gum disease and high emotional stress levels. Stress can have a negative impact on the immune system, this results in the body’s defense running low to such a point that it can’t fight off a gum infection. It’s also been proven that because of such high-stress levels, some people tend to neglect their oral health routines.

Now let’s look at some things you can do to actually aid the situation

Increase your vitamin C intake

Not getting enough vitamin C may just make your gums bleed even more. A low intake of Vitamin C can lead to your gums bleeding even if you practice a good oral routine, a high intake of foods such oranges, sweet potatoes, red peppers, and carrots is probably a good place to start. As an alternative, taking a good vitamin C supplement recommended by your doctor is also a good place to start

Get that Vitamin K

Vitamin K is important because it helps your blood clot, if you’re experiencing continuous bleeding gums then you definitely need Vitamin K properties. Superfoods like spinach, kale, mustard greens, and collard greens are a good source of Vitamin K. alternatively once again, consulting with your doctor regarding a good supplement will also be a good option.

Drink green tea

Now green tea is effective in so many ways so it should already be in your food routine but if it isn’t yet and you’re experiencing bleeding gums then maybe it’s time to add it. Green tea contains catechin, which is a natural antioxidant that lowers the body’s inflammatory response to bacteria in the mouth. A daily intake of this tea will be very beneficial.


These are all recommended ways to ease and alleviate any sort of gum disease but ultimately, consulting with one of our dental professionals should be your first stop.

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